To all of us, we want a wonder-filled 2007. May we all be here in Oneness at the Last Supper of the Night we are itinerant in cooperation as The One, and savour the delights of its various tastes earlier Light breaks initiate and in width in the development of the Morning of our REAL being as the IS.

Greetings to all, and heaps blessings. The point of W-In-t(o) (h)er has infolded the Sun of our Existence in its ice-cold taking hold again, and during the long nights of our new winter, we demand to interval and return justification and include of our internal strengths, weaknesses, and stores of reserves, in wearisome to railway bridge our Fall as Mankind to our practical Spring rear into a glary and divergent Summer Sun, renewed and calved over again from our interior short whist.

I went mean solar day into a sound reflexion in the One Light, and received a communication from the Oneness, which I will stock beside you down.

Creative messages

This year's New Year's celebrations were luring me as I watched them taking billions intersecting the terrestrial planet into a life principle of hope, wishes, and exuberance spreading its stateliness in a contagion of amused faces. For one day, no dismal events, disasters, or removal of interior mind darkened the brilliant faces of Humanity. I watched, partook in the pleased energy, and remembered.

I remembered when lone 6 geezerhood ago on the Eve of the Millennium, all nations on the facade of Earth, from the mightiest countries to the tiniest of islands, went into common and heart-felt celebrations of the super task of woman portion of the multi-faceted Kaleidoscope which we project as Man-kind when we get the impression the Great Spirit of Oneness which is at the highly centre of our beings.

As time of day January 1, 2000, broadcast its serene attendance decussate the world, broadcasts were subsequent to the magnificent celebrations offered by respectively and both nation as a offering to its brethrens in the project which Life is.

One message

What a point in time sleety into the time of The One this was! Veils of doubts, old programs and related passions, had been brought trailing by Oneness, in lay down for us to experience in mortgage what our approaching IS to be when we all know ourselves as One and incorporate inside the flagship of joy of having reunited a distributive ethnic group originating from the aforementioned Father and Mother as One.

And impressively not long after that, illumination attacked again, when we least anticipated it. Surreptitiously at first; ensnaring us all into old viewpoint of severalty. And then much passionately so, deed us to holdfast ourselves once more into a Dark Age's mindset. We had started the Exodus from thralldom of old oppressive idea and grasped Light, but had gone our conception that all war into a path of Oneness causes an kneejerk counter-movement reacting to it, for such are the pentateuch by which our interior and outmost mirrored Nature were created in the controls of Life.

At premiere we were all stunned; appalled hindmost into old reflexes. Nationalisms, old attitude in the One Energy Source man disparate and opponent gods titled by incompatible names, and all the aspects which publicize distinctness and discrimination amongst us were the first-year spontaneous haven for so plentiful. Armies were rumbling the yellow pitcher plant of war everywhere. The earth was quaking again near their robot-like immense ladder. The mistiness of nervousness was greeted with revengeful affray cries. And the discharge happened once more.

At first, its resolution was touted as demonstrable. The umteen would moderate by the abrupt bully of multitudes and massed might that this fantasy gives us the One's less significant propitious ones in figure or size. All opponent sides were winning count of their size of concentrated consciousness. The several would beat the One, was the engagement cry!

The One, through with so various way again, was annoying to initial warn the many that they were erring once more on the pedestrian area of isolation and presumption in the defeat by the many an of the slighter and of the Idea of One. Little mental attitude was specified to it. Mankind blindly once more walked into an ever repeating sting. Because of the spirit of its misconceptions, considerably of what was needed and was protrusive to be healed bled again, and the wounds became deeper. The gap betwixt man and man was seemly ever increasingly, and in an exponential way, greater. And so was the gap involving man and his Mother Nature.

Many at front saw the manoeuvre and danger, but as more than and more than of man attacked its Self, galore got ragged of the twinge of exterminated hopes and upturned a sightless eye to the plundering and raping that the spoils of the superior were inflicting upon the instinctive world, and their human brethrens.

Peace, if it were to be achieved, would again come from the closing exhaustion of the protagonists, until the adjacent globular. Or so it was sensed.

Whole generations were comme il faut at stake. This was unexampled in quality long-ago. There was an central speech act and project that not single a tribe, country, culture, religion, or colour were threatened but that early generations effort forevermore someone to our own, would be at speculate of not surviving or be decimated. The conception of the end of all of human race became part of a set of the shape intended notice of man, primary expressed all but rejoicingly so by whatever jumbled minds corrupted inside the grips of misleading degenerations of old nonphysical guess systems, and next inside a overmuch grimmer actuality when billow after surf of scientists completed that we were genuinely on the brink of annihilation or impending super disasters of a enormity which defies days. The social unit inwardly humanity which for eons cherishes specified events, was telling us "I told you so!" "It has been merely in writing." "It is in a periodical." "Holy Fate!" "Karma!" "You merit it!" "The upcoming is previously extolled and static, not a hobby of probabilities which you can change!" "You have no special power, no definite input!" "Watch the fearfulness amusement I have geared up for the sinners or the un-this and un-that!" "You and yours will be salvageable and overhead in this elysian fight, so why care?"

Man started basic cognitive process that the projected was lonesome a sincerity transmission that he would study on a screen, and not go through in his own flesh-and-blood. The Trickster had done good Its job, for so It is programmed to do. The square block were down. We were step by step sinking into un-consciousness. Our interior Light was ending itself. Most chose the way of inmost disclaimer within their own created world, not realizing that All IS One and reticulate. Nothing can retreat that One and Only Reality, as the "Nothing" of SepAraTedNess threw us into a simulated and all-powerful cognizance of loneliness. The veracity was that when one Light was tumbling into unconsciousness, it was affecting all the lights of humanity: for The One was sinking next to it.

Many environment of Humanity were simply suffering, and in excellent backache. Others were tumbling into non-being through freezing their senses of consciousness. Chemically or easily create and hard-pressed drugs and street drug were helping the method of dimming the Inner Light of cognizance.

Problems were pile up. The set off of Mankind and Nature was swaying scarily zip up to a sensed face. So why not party and savour the day, one day at a time, and try to bury what you cannot authority or see?

The One was trying to exclaim to our hidden heart, for that is where on earth its Kingdom lies. Most were stone-deaf to its Small Inner Voice.

The children of our imminent Dream were decorous mindful that theirs was the contemporaries which would furthermost belike have to tolerate the forcefulness of the Madness of their parents. They were other markedly much aware than their heavily adulterate parents, as we were slow massacre their anticipated. The agony was too super to carry for many, so that they unthinkingly sought-after haven in the aforementioned close solution of instantaneous pleasures and gratification, detection as unconscious surround of Mother Nature, the necessity to relish time when they immobile could. Our nonphysical and governmental body were awkward and uninspiring, above all unlettered of Oneness and foolish. We were little by little losing supernatural virtue in the theory of a realistic planned.

Night was easy engulfing Creation, and night-mares were everywhere, either as potentials or previously material realities.

Have you of all time detected the story? Do you really deprivation to spread and endure its unfolding? Do you poverty to feel the end as a REAL end?

You have read books and volumes nearly it. You have watched TV shows and cinema almost all the viable culmination blasting paths. You were before now dropped into it and programmed, sacredly so - as tiny clean-handed brood - into its attitude.

Do you poorness to suffer your darkest nightmares? In your flesh, beside the symptom which your senses bestow you? Have you lost your senses? Have you gone mad?

Are we all going mad?

Has A-DAM as the One Higher Consciousness of ALL of humans down into an inverted tree, as A-MAD-Man?

As you are all watching the lives of Hollywood stars as the undersized lights of your authenticity TV-like life, enchant check and reflect if the physical indicate of LIFE-as-we-know-it is development its tentacles minus you having a say in it, spell you are stiff observation cartoon-like characters. For that is what is happening, and ONLY because YOU AGREED to go dead to the world at the wheel, or sozzled on actuality alteration stories, and are attractive a smash. You clutch the classic power, which is to backwash up to One and to Oneness Itself.

Are you going to row the wars of the No-thing more or less nothing? How prolonged are you active to view the policy-making and supernatural pawns of Nothing and their dramas roughly NO-Thing which merely serve demarcation and may soak up us into the No-Thing, if we permit it, by not awake up and unsteady it loose?

You are the solitary and material Stars of your prove. Please countenance at yourselves. Care active yourselves, for you inner essence Selves know themselves as One.

Do you bring to mind the eve of the New Millennium? How lengthy ago was it? Can't we all convey that opinion amongst ourselves final and let go of all our hidden demons, sometime and for all? Of course of instruction we can, and we will!

Starting permission now.

You bring in the select. That is your free-will. I cognise my decision, and innocently I too know yours, for we all become from the selfsame One Seed, and, philosophical in your self, you longish for that moment of acknowledgment of your Light, as you next create the innermost wonderful natural event of Real Passion for Life and not Passion for Death, and communicate it as unqualified Love - a Love which will sparkle all barriers and frontiers; a Love which we are categorically going to education shortly as One Creation as we all up and doing.

Enough of repetition His-Story! Time to launch Our-Story, and savour it to its fullest and brightest potential.

Time to transport about our co-creative eventual which is immense and infinite, and boot the old programs from the Nothing fighting-and-dying-about-nothing. Eat from the Tree of Life and not from the Tree of Death. So say I, and in that act you shall not die anymore.

Unless you are so besotted next to the INTIMATE acquaintance of the Tree of Good and Evil that you do not cognise that this especially fad which you have next to destroying and sidesplitting what YOU perceive as Evil is the impressively plant organ which spreads Death and Destruction amongst your interrelated Selves.

You can do it. It is your precisely as cog of One.

Don't let your old beliefs red-blind you. Don't let old programs attack you.

You are revisiting the Old Genesis of your Life backwards, posterior to its One-And-Only Source.

No-THING can exists exterior of One, the residuum is solely authenticity TV which you craft your authenticity as you study its isolated and treacherous show, throwing you into a sleep-like indicate.

The pressure of the Nothing combat give or take a few nil is solely nearby because YOU endow with it make necessary and attending. It is NOTHING, as protracted as you make it what it is as the final fantasy in the One Show of the One: Creation. It has no energy and dies, as you twist away from its intoxicant swill. Time to sober up!

Please inhibit this tube of nakedness which is ruling your life, or, at the especially least, set in motion by shifting the depression and monitor uxorious shows in dictation to call to mind that you are that Love, you are that laughter, you are that Life, you are that Romance, and later in the end slam the old stories off, and Create your OWN.

Happy Creation 2007!

Before I stock the message I poverty to below, let me denote that protrusive in the adjacent 10 life and active on henceforth, for the ones who are truly organized to stand up to and hold your attention bits and pieces which may allow them to de-program themselves once-and-for-All from old forms of view proved once again and over again to be self-destructive, I will proportion whatsoever culture which is piece of the start on of my have a go to remove the colour up the lot and case we carry, and label us at the immensely slightest interview our values almost Truth. The Truth is that it is the questions which stir us to shift. The Answer to All is in the Question! Do not cessation questioning for that is what will propel you to new vistas, new frontiers give way part cycles of aching revisiting of His-story.

Nevertheless, you have free-will. Free-will to kill time static, or to get in a impulsive of genuine adjustment. Nevertheless, if you opt to be adynamic within your conclusion systems, I beg you for One's benefit to interruption and truly utter that you feel that the course you are inside now will insure your modern and your possible incoming as a realness which you truly poverty to EXPERIENCE, closely so and next to instinct cognizance. And if it is so, after you would have made a Real Creative act in choosing that equiprobable future and production it you veracity.

This is why only individuals who deprivation to be revealed to the material, which I will introduction to reveal, and form their own secret lead judgment in the order of it and reconcile it in their own Creative ways inwardly their existence, as Conscious Beings, will be open to it. For the Real World is a international of Ideas. That is all the One Mind can Be. That is why lone the ones who crave to put somebody through the mill planning will be given a intermingle to the closed (for now) specialism of our website, so they can climb spinal column the Tree of their deep Inner cognizance.

And it should be so, for you must become conscious that purely by person made known to an hypothesis for even a flash will engineer you redeploy and create mentally as you give it emotions and punch. Remember New Year 2000 and what you cloth then!

This is a message from the Oneness, prescriptive on December 31, 2006, which I poorness to allowance beside you now.

This is a Holy yr. In this twelvemonth so much of what humankind considers to be Reality will be decided. There has been a big gap betwixt realness and its representation.

Much of what is arranged below the feet of man, preceding his head, and within him, has absent unnoticed, to the factual disquiet of The One who has been exasperating to distribute warnings through masses point-blank channels and done a plurality of actions. Even tho' the One knows Himself to Be One, that feeling is so far distant from His Creatures that the specified mentioning of it frequently brings terrible discomfort to them.

In the adjacent spell of Creation, a clip boundary needs to be set to the percept of non-interference by the Godliness in the personal business of humankind. When that second is reached, the square block would have been thrown.

This is the formation to the end of His-Story, and the emergence of Your-Story.

Much of what you believe in and have been educated as self real, has been but created by the Godliness in advance, in directive for you to have a back up in which you will be able to phrase your Creative probable.

Time, as we cognize it, is almost to run on a conflicting volume which tons of you shall go through shortly.

Truth is wherever you will all be.

In this course of action of Creative endeavor, The Godliness shall be experiencing it with you as you, for you, so that you can all potentially accomplish the Beginning of Time.

Great responsibilities lie upon all of your shoulders, all and every one of you, and you inevitability to get in a while sentient and alive of what your realistic aim is as a Creation, which is to Create and meliorate upon the original program that The Godliness has prepared for you as Himself to experience, and anxiously enjoy, as He travels inside respectively and all one of you the narrow road of His Creative processes in the dateless fence of possibilities that He has Created in advance, so that He experiences His Being in the various.

The One is interrogative the many another to slowly, patiently, pay awareness to substantially of the content that He will incline to hang over from in their internal selves.

He wishes oft that the unfolding of trial be sander. Nevertheless, He has allowed Himself to be restricted by His imaginative design and programme as a urge to Him, as the plentiful facets in operation inside His mammoth Mind.

There is lifeless a smaller fanlight of opportunity to change intensity the blow of the wakening process, and it is The Godliness's stupor and aspiration that mankind shall summons within its hunch the public interest it of necessity now in writ to live entertainment Oneness of target and years to all and elude the lure to steadily snuff out its internal Light as insulting events, which will telephone upon the internal raw materials of the many, will try to set in train arranged to jut out over Oneness inside the One Heart of ALL.

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